[Release Notes] 20201122_v1 - Support Google Oauths Login/Signup

Posted by CoderBridge on 2020-11-22


  1. Version: 20201122_v1
  2. Main Change: To support mutiple signin method, we add Google Account login/signup in login/signup page. If you already have a CoderBridge Account, please go to settings page to connect to google account first. We will support mutiple social accounts login method in the near future.

[繁體中文 zh-tw]

  1. 更新版本:20201122_v1
  2. 主要更新:新增使用 Google 帳號登入方式,若已有帳號的使用者,請至設定帳戶頁面連結 Google 帳號,即可使用 Google 帳號進行登入。接下來我們將陸續支援其他社群帳號的登入,讓使用者使用上更為方便。


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